E-commerce product photo shoot

foxtrot home - luxury linen sleepwear

This photo shoot for leading New Zealand linen retailer Foxtrot Home was for the launch of their gorgeous new linen sleepwear range, including linen robes and pajamas, in 5 colourways.

I designed a creative concept to reflect Foxtrot's lifestyle brand of understated luxury and to appeal to their typical client who has a love of beautiful interiors and items.

From this concept I styled and created an inspiring variety of imagery including:

~ clean, minimal modern creatively styled e-commerce product photos;
~ styled photos of the sleepwear in inspiring interior settings; and
~ images of the sleepwear on my beautiful in-house model.

This shoot was held in my Auckland studio.

The imagery is to be used in their online store and social media marketing. 

© sarah clayton photography 2024