Personal brad session

auckland life coach

Personal branding photo session for Auckland life coach Sarah Linton of Tides of Change. If you are looking for a coach - look no further. With her extensive experience and qualifications you will be in very capable hands with Sarah!

The key focus of Sarah's shoot was to create a bank of imagery for her website relaunch - including images for website banners, services pages, lead magnets, ebooks, blog posts as well as social media.

It was important show the various aspects of Sarah's work including online group coaching and in-person coaching as well as to give an insight into her as a person. We incorporated a model "client" to show how Sarah works with clients in person. We incorporated Sarah's brand colours of shades of blue. This shoot was held at various Auckland locations including Sarah's gorgeous home office, her favourite local cafe and Auckland Viaduct. 

Check out Sarah's new website featuring some of the beautiful images we captured during her session. 

© sarah clayton photography 2024